Monday, December 10, 2007

Yule Blues

Apparently 'tis the season to be crappy. When night falls at 3 pm, and that's the only time it stops raining, you can bet your ass the suicide rate is going up like anything. SAD they call it. I call it WTF is wrong with this weather. At least if it snowed or something, that would make up for the cold. But no, a fine drizzle persists throughout the day till one feels like all wrinkled up like a prune.

It's only going to get better, as we're going to Scotland over Christmas. And what's more, the Isle of Skye is on the itenary, so when I return, impotent, having frozen off various parts of my anatomy, I can reflect on whether this was a good idea or not.

But this break is going to be a lifesaver. Not that work sucks or anything.... no, wait. It does. It sucks worse than Cathy down the road, who tries her best to impress a gent.

The only thing, with this trip and all the work pressure I've been under lately, I'm not going to have time to make my annual flash greeting card. Which is sad, because I've been doing it three years running now.

And so, if your life wa in as much a mess as mine, why.. Yule be Blue too...

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