Monday, October 15, 2007

A Viren by any other name...

Do you remember one of my first posts - about my name meaning 'Viruses' in German? (Mine Darke and Twisted Life: Virus Stalkers )
Well, it turns out my name have very close connections with royalty in Sweden. And I found this out, all thanks to my dear Italian friend Rosario.

Have a look at his mail below.

Hello my friend, how's life?

I was in IKEA on Saturday and realised how your worldwide travels and your well-known blog have made you an important person, now even in Sweden everyone knows you and you've become an important part of everyday life for all the IKEA customers.

I hope they're paying you royalties for the use of your name!
Ciao !

I'll give you a minute to wipe the tears out of your eyes, shall I ? How does that make my name regal, you ask? Well, what else is is more royal in a house than the 'throne' ?

Okayy.. so apparently Ikea has a whole line of products ( under its 'Viren' theme, and they are all bathroom related, which rather knocks my regal theory out of the window.

Anyways, remember me the next time you're in the loo. 'Cause I'll be thinking of you....
And Rosario, I hope to run into you real soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Holy Shit man! Or, should I say Holy Piss? You're a popular European name then. I guess you should ask for copyright royalty from these guys. But dude, asking others to think of you whenever they piss is the weirdest thing one can ever ask for.
    So, what could you ask next?


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