Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
The Cliffs of Insanity
I'm CENSORING the rest of this!
[r34en]little britain.. what's that all about
[evil-inc]Something about being the only gay in the village
[evil-inc]I figured you'd be able to relate to it.
* Evil-Inc chuckles
[r34en]no I cant :/
[r34en]there are lots of gays in norwich
[evil-inc]I'll tell you what I don't get
[evil-inc]The Kumars At Number 42.
[evil-inc]What the hell is that all about?
[r34en]eh dont ask me
[evil-inc]I thought you'd know. Being Indian and all.
[r34en]second gen desis are all a bit crazy imo
[r34en]at least it's not big brother
[evil-inc]I've never seen that crap.
[evil-inc]Although I did watch the clips with Shilpa Shetty.
[evil-inc]That was funny.
[r34en]I watched it about 4 years back
* spyoct77 has joined #brighton
* ChanServ sets mode: +o spyoct77
[r34en]when I had come here for the first time
[r34en]fascinated what people would watch
[r34en]and what rat crazy people got in that house
[r34en]Shetty even
[r34en]'I am the Angelina Jolie of Bollywood'
[rachel]shit, i just knocked the speaker off the desk and now it sounds like its inside a plastic bag
[rachel]and it hit the lamp transformer and now that wont turn on
[evil-inc]What were you doing?
* Evil-Inc looks at Rachel suspiciously.
[r34en]though I have to say she is hot.. as long as she puts a bag over her head and a ball gag in her mouth
[evil-inc]Seems as though you saw a penis.
[evil-inc]lol Viren.
[r34en]pls to keep a safe distance from electronics while wanking
[r34en]Rachel.. stop it!
[r34en]enough damage for one day
[r34en]I once broke a chair wanking
[r34en]once = yesterday :/
[r34en]nearly took out the table too
[evil-inc]wow. Now thats one story I don't want to hear.
* Rachel changes topic to 'welcome to #Brighton 2(120202:124602:124202) [01@Rachel] i am always curious to see penises. [@r34en] I once broke a chair wanking'
[spyoct77]really rachel?:)
[evil-inc]Tanks!? WHERE?
[r34en]eh thanks even
[r34en]you think shes away wanking... and she's just waiting to topic you :/
[evil-inc]She's sneaky like that
[spyoct77]i never knew rachel was so curious:)
[r34en]not in your's spyoct77
[spyoct77]in whos?:)
[spyoct77]you broke a chair?
[r34en]what gave you that idea
[spyoct77]its written in the topic
* r34en edges towards the door
[r34en]oh rachel lies
[evil-inc]He nearly took the table down as well
[spyoct77]must be in the guinness book of records
[r34en]i'm not in the mood for this shit.. esp after sitting on this fucking hard chair off the dining table
[evil-inc]Your moms in the guinnes book of records.
[evil-inc](Sorry, I couldn't resist)
[spyoct77]i never mentioned family members
[evil-inc]I know. I did.
[spyoct77]not nice
[r34en]yes Evil-Inc.. why you mention the family members?
[evil-inc]I'll make sure I punish myself
[r34en]you a bad lil boy
[r34en]spyoct77.. where are you from?
[r34en]WHO are you?
[spyoct77]island of malta -europe
[evil-inc]or..what are you?
[evil-inc]Oh I know Malta.
[r34en]oh I'll stop fishing... are you female, hot, and willing to shag me?
[r34en]or any two of those?
[evil-inc]Hot and willing to shag him will do
[evil-inc]You don't have to be female.
[r34en]yeah Awais knows ALL about that
[spyoct77]oh im not saying what i am:)
[r34en]what species even?
[evil-inc]I know nothing.
[evil-inc]I'm only going by what you're saying.
[r34en]I'm coming there soon... get lubed up and ready
[spyoct77]where r u lot from?:)
[spyoct77]thought u were american
[r34en]He is
[r34en]I'm more Russian
[evil-inc]On the Inside.
[evil-inc]lol Viren
[spyoct77]what languages do u speak?
[r34en]um.. not english obviously
[r34en]I speak Indian
[evil-inc]I speak Pakistani
[spyoct77]i can speak english italian french maltese
[r34en]ah a linguist
[spyoct77]cant speak ur languages:)
[r34en]for shame
[r34en]soon the whole world will be speaking Indian or Pakistani
[r34en]we guys are breeding like crazy tryong to make it happen soon
[spyoct77]first world language is english , then french/spanish , italian
[r34en]chinese imo
[r34en]or rather mandarin
[spyoct77]chinese maybe
[evil-inc]Yeah, plus we're sending people all over the world. To cross breed.
[evil-inc]Soon, we'll take over the world.
[r34en]yeah.. any news from our embassy in Malta?
[spyoct77]no trouble over here :)
[r34en]oh.. there'll be trouble in a couple of months, trust me
[spyoct77]foreigners r all welcome
[evil-inc]You'll soon regret saying that.
[spyoct77]u mean cause of religions?
[r34en]foreigners? who's a foreigner?
[r34en]are YOU a foreigner Evil?
[evil-inc]Everyones a foreigner to someone.
[r34en]got that off a fortune cookie?
[r34en]ask for your money back
[evil-inc]It was free.
[spyoct77]so in ur country u had richard gere and that model on the news?
[r34en]which model?
[evil-inc]Not in my country.
[r34en]the hamster?
[evil-inc]Gere is scared to come here.
[spyoct77]i forgot her name
[spyoct77]he kissed her on stage
[evil-inc]Shilpa Shetty?
[spyoct77]yeah thats her
[r34en]no he means the gerbil
[r34en]it was an Indian gerbil
[spyoct77]she took part on big brother
[evil-inc]I'd kiss a gerbil on the stage.
[evil-inc]Not an Indian gerbil!
[r34en]i think his relationship with it went more than kissing
[spyoct77]indian girls r nice
[r34en]no they're not
[r34en]they dont shave
[evil-inc]The cute ones do.
[spyoct77]neither legs?
[spyoct77]well at least they do that:)
[r34en]when I want to see how I'd look with a beard, I just get the nearest girl to stand upside down in front of the mirror, and put my chin between her legs
[spyoct77]why dont they shave there?
[r34en]its a religious thing
[spyoct77]well who would know if they did
[r34en]when it grows long enough, they make it into pigtails and dye it orange to honour the great saint Rajnikant
[r34en]spyoct77.. why did you laugh?
[spyoct77]i never heard of such things
[r34en]are you making fun of my religion?
[spyoct77]but they dye it orange
[r34en]it seems you are
[r34en]plus they make great handles
[spyoct77]r u serious?:)
[r34en]do you have an issue with that?
[r34en]again with the laughter
[spyoct77]never read about these things ur saying:)
[spyoct77]whats ur religion?
[r34en]well we dont write about pigtails OBVIOUSLY
[r34en]I'm Indian
[spyoct77]not nationality
[r34en]my religion is Indian.. I speak Indian.. thats what I am and that's what I do
[evil-inc]His religion is Sachin Tendulkarism
[spyoct77]ah ok
[spyoct77]im catholic
[evil-inc]I hear catholic chicks put out.
[evil-inc]Is that true?
[r34en]in my country we're scared of catholics
[spyoct77]nah not true
[evil-inc]lol r34en
[r34en]we are scared they'll steal our shadows
[spyoct77]we have all religions in my country
[spyoct77]we are friendly with all:)
[r34en]is it true you can kill people and suck their souls by throwing water at them?
[spyoct77]its false
[r34en]are you sure
[r34en]or are you not allowed to tell these secrets to non catholics?
[luis]viren, im catholic, and my spatula still [3s]He's just learning about her religion
[r34en]his imo
[r34en]luis.. but you are different
[spyoct77]catholics dont harm other religions
[rachel]the only women in this channel are me and bonnie (then erika, susan and katherine when she comes in)
[r34en]I yearn for your catholic ass
[rachel]oh gawd.
[r34en]man we should that whole conv
[rachel]man love.
[spyoct77]what religion r u Rachel?
[r34en]shes a nympho
[evil-inc]She's a mormon
[rachel]i am a buddhist paul.
[rachel]when i am not also a nympho and a moron, apparently.
[r34en]same thing
[spyoct77]mormons can marry more than one woman
[rachel]oh and i misread that too.
[r34en]thats it I'm converting
[spyoct77]mormoms started off after american civil war , many women were left without husbans so one man would have to satisfy a whole lot
[r34en]In India if a woman looks at a man who's not her husband, her pigtails are tied togetherr
[spyoct77]who ties them,?
[r34en]the village elders
[spyoct77]do they practice circumcision there too?
[r34en]and she can only be free if she can get the family goat to eat them off
[r34en]went off on a tangent there
[r34en]circumcision is Evil's thing
[spyoct77]so many religions and many traditions
[spyoct77]in malta we r mostly catholic
[r34en]oh okay
[r34en]so are you married?
[r34en]you are kept, teg
[spyoct77]not married yet
[evil-inc]rofl viren
[r34en]I'm married to my religion
[tingteg]kept WELL
[tingteg]mind you
[evil-inc]O RLY?
[evil-inc]When was the last time you got some?
[r34en]we are not allwed to marry
[r34en]nor masturbate
[spyoct77]u cant drink alcohol?
[r34en]no we can drink lots of alcohol
[r34en]how do you think we keep from wanking like crazed mountain goats?
[spyoct77]God Bless u all
[r34en]you leaving :/
[tingteg]god would have to bless me a lot to make up for my heathenism
[r34en]I wanted to ask how you cast out deamons wiht your cross
[r34en]coz I wanted teg out of this channel
* tingteg has left #brighton