Saturday, February 02, 2008

Snowflakes melt to teardrops.

I'm surpised to find myself still alive and kicking. Yes, yes, I can hear the screams and wails of anguish and disappointment, but I am quite well now. I do have a sorethroat, and the remanants of a fever, but hey; thats what you get for eating ice-cream and playing in the snow in your jammies.

Yes, it has finally snowed in copious amounts in Norwich. And let me tell you it's no fun walking through the snow without a hat or gloves. By the time I reached home the sleet had turned into large snowflakes; it was a veritable blizzard.

Watching those large flakes drifting down onto my bare skin, I was taken back to my youth on my home world of Titan where large blue flakes of methane used to slowly condense out of the air. But I digress...

(You may ask why the flakes were drifting down on my BARE skin, but thats neither here nor there is it?)

Anyway, have a look at the pics. Hah, take THAT, kind stranger; Drama queen, am I ?? :P

As usual, click on the slideshow to link to larger versions of the photographs.

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